Convergent Undergraduate Education
in Quantum Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics
Our Vision:
To create a diverse quantum workforce by going all-in at the intersection of efficacy and equity to guarantee US competitiveness in the future quantum economy.
What we do:
QuSTEAM is building quantum STEM education from the ground up by creating curriculum modules that will provide educational opportunities for two- and four-year institutions, minority-serving institutions, and industry. By incorporating content beyond traditional STEM disciplines and gearing the modules toward project-based evaluation to broaden participation, QuSTEAM aims to focus on equity and inclusivity, while confronting and dismantling long-standing biases in order to advance diversity across STEM fields.
To ensure Equity, we are implementing evidence-based pedagogical best-practices while leveraging employer/academic connections to recruit and retain a better skilled + more representative workforce.
Our design is scalable, so that every campus can get the support it needs to draw students into the quantum workforce. Equity is a centerpiece of our work: we implement active learning and other evidence-based teaching practices known to increase retention of all students.
To achieve Scalability, we are developing a multi-sided network that links employers, instructors, and students by providing convergent content and a framework for national expansion.