Convergent Undergraduate Education
in Quantum Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics
Our Vision:
To create a strong and capable quantum workforce by prioritizing excellence in education and comprehensive workforce development, securing U.S. competitiveness in the quantum economy
Who we are:
QuSTEAM is a network of colleges and universities with industry employers to offer quantum curriculum and professional development for instructors across all disciplines, as well as network support. We hope to bring quantum information education to every campus.
What we do:
QuSTEAM is building quantum STEM education from the ground up by creating curriculum modules that will provide educational opportunities for two- and four-year institutions, minority-serving institutions, and industry. By incorporating content beyond traditional STEM disciplines and gearing the modules toward project-based evaluation to broaden participation, QuSTEAM seeks to create a learning environment that fosters participation from a wide range of perspectives, supporting engagement for all learners while addressing systemic challenges in STEM fields.
We are implementing evidence-based pedagogical best practices while leveraging employer and academic connections to enhance recruitment and retention efforts, developing a highly skilled workforce that reflects a broad range of perspectives.
Our design is scalable, so that every campus can get the support it needs to draw students into the quantum workforce. We implement active learning and other evidence-based teaching practices known to increase retention of all students.
To achieve Scalability, we are developing a multi-sided network that links employers, instructors, and students by providing convergent content and a framework for national expansion.